30 Days Course Eligibility
30-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of six 10-day courses (one since their first 20-day course), one 20-day course, one Satipatthana Sutta course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.
30 Days (one Month) Vipassana Long Course Schedule 2024 for all vipassana centers in India.
25-4 to 26-5-2024 Dhamma Nāgajjuna-II Nagarjun Sagar (Telan.)
03-05 to 03-06-2024 Dhamma Tapovana-I Igatpuri
5-5 to 5-6-2024 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
14-5 to 14-6-2024 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, Sonepat, (Haryana)
31-5-2024 to 1-7-2024 Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad (Telangana)
23-6 to 24-7-2024 Dhamma Tapovana-II Igatpuri
15-7 to 15-8-2024 Dhamma Koṭa, Rajkot (Guj.)
31-7 to 31-8-2024 Dhamma Pīṭha, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
12-8 to 12-9-2024 Dhamma Tapovana-II Igatpuri
25-8 to 25-9-2024 Dhamma Paṭṭhāna, Sonepat, (Haryana)
1-9 to 2-10-2024 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
8-9 to 9-10-2024 Dhamma Gaṛha, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
20-9 to 21-10-2024 Dhamma Arunachala, Tamilnadu
26-9 to 27-10-2024 Dhamma Bodhi, Bodhgaya, (Bihar)
28-9 to 29-10-2024 Dhamma Thalī, Jaipur
2-10 to 2-11-2024 Dhamma Lakkhaṇa, Lucknow (U.P.)
22-10 to 22-11-2024 Dhamma Nāgajjuna-II Nagarjun Sagar (Telan.)
4-11 to 5-12-2024 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
5-11 to 6-12-2024 Dhamma Cakka, Sarnath (U.P.)
6-11 to 7-12-2024 Dhammapāla, Bhopal (M.P.)
15-12 to 15-1-2025 Dhamma Ambikā, South Gujarat
31-12-2024 to 31-1-2025Dhamma Khetta, Hyderabad (Telangana)
1-3 to 1-4-2025 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
7-5 to 6-6-2025 Dhamma Sindhu, Mandvi-Kutch (Guj.)
Useful Resources
Vipassana Code of discipline in Hindi –
Vipassana Code of discipline in Hindi English
Vipassana Meditation GRs
Official websites