Ambedkar Bhavan Delhi Ambedkar Bhavan is at Rani Jhansi road in Karol Badg is founded by Baba Saheb B R Ambedkar himself .a collage too is here.
Dr. Ambedkar laying the foundation stone of the ‘Ambedkar Bhavan’, Rani Jhansi Road, Delhi on 15 April 1951
AMBEDKAR BHAVAN, Aram Bagh, Jhansi Rani Road, Near to VEDEOCON Tower.
From New Delhi Railway Station, Platform 1 side gate is reaching to Pahar Ganj, And platform 16 side is Ajmiri Gate.While coming out from PF 1 side turn right, you can see an over bridge, below over bridge there is a road connecting the road coming from over bridge(it is coming from the Ajmiri gate of Rly Stn). This road is DB Guptha Road, on the way you can see Jandewalan metro station.Hardly 3 KMS.
Address and Contact Details
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, Ground floor, Narcotics Control Bureau building, West Block-I, Wing No. VII, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 066
011-26180214, 011-26180213, 011-26180211, 011-26180210, 8588038789

2500th Buddha Jayanti celebrations at Ambedkar Bhavan, New Delhi. 

From left are Mr. Shankranand Shashtri, Dr. Ambedkar, Mrs. Savita Ambedkar and Buddhist monks. Dr. Ambedkar is scarcely seen without spectacles as he is here.