“The credit that is given to me does not really belong to me. It belongs partly to Sir B. N. Rau, the Constitutional Adviser to the Constituent Assembly who prepared a rough draft of the Constitution for the consideration of the Drafting Committee.”
-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
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“Much greater share of the credit must go to Mr. S. N. Mukherjee, the Chief Draftsman of the Constitution. His ability to put the most intricate proposals in the simplest and clearest legal form can rarely be equalled, nor his capacity for hard work.”
-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
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The constitution was not printed but was #handwritten. The job of writing constitution was given to #calligraphist #Prem_Behari_Narain_Raizada. He did not charge anything for his work.

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The constitution was signed by members of committee.
First to sign was Jawaharlal Nehru while Rajendra Prasad was last to sign.

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It is interesting to know which pen #Dr_Ambedkar used to sign constitution. It is said that he used #orange coloured #Wilson_ink_pen.

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#Sir_Benegal_Narsing_Rao was constitutional advisor to constituent assembly in formulating constitution.
For research he traveled to #US, #UK, #Canada and #Ireland. He prepared initial draft of constitution.
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The constitution also has illustrations by famous painter #Nandalal_Bose. It consists drawings from historical epics, historical figures, India’s freedom struggle etc.
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Dr Ambedkar handing over the final draft of the constitution to President Rajendra Prasad on #November_26_1949.

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Our constitution is based on Buddha’s principle like
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Read PDF Book of Constitution in various languages