14 April 1891: He was born at Mhow Village of Madhya Pradesh State.
1896 His Mother Bhimabai died.
1907 He passed SSC.
1912 He became a Graduate
January 1913 He was appointed as a Lieutenant in the Baroda State Forces.
2 February 1913 His father Ramji Sakpal passed away.
21 July 1913 He reached New York and joined Columbia University
1915 He obtained his Master of Arts from Columbia University
June 1916 He done Ph.D. from the Columbia University for his thesis “National Dividend ofIndia : A Historic and Analytical Study”
October 1916 He joined London School of Economics and Political Science, and Grays Inn for the degree of M.Sc., D.Sc., and Bar-at-Law.
21 August 1917 He came back to India without getting these degrees because the duration of his scholarship had expired.
September 1917 He was appointed Military Secretary to the Maharaja of Baroda. But he resigned this post.
November 1918 He was appointed as Professor of Political Economy in the Sydenham College, Bombay.
January 1919 He gave evidence before the Southborough Committee dealing with the franchise in the light ofthe Montagu Chelmsford Reforms.
27 January 1919: Dr Ambedkar submitted a memorandum and gave evidence before the Southborough Commission.
British parliament had first passed the Government of India Act, 1919 on the recommendation of Southborough Commission to which Dr. Ambedkar submitted the memorandum (glimpses above) and raised the issue of #right_to_vote and adequate representation.
After this the British Government constituted “#Simon_Commission” in the year 1928 and send to India to review the provisions.
31 January 1920 He founded the paper “Mook Nayak’. Having passed through the stages of ‘Bahishkrit Bharat’ (Excluded India), Samata (Equality) and ‘Janata’ (people).
5 July 1920 He resigned the professorship and sailed for London to accomplish his unfinished studies.
June 1921 He was awarded the degree of Master of Science by the University of London for his thesis “Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance in British India.”

October 1922. He was called to the Bar. 189
March 1923. He was awarded the degree of D.Sc. by the University of London for his thesis, “The Problem of the Rupee”.
14 April 1923 He returned to India after equipping himself With the degrees of M.Sc., D.Sc. and Bar-at-Law.
June 1923 He started practice as Barrister.
20 July 1924 He founded the Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha, Bombay. The name of this organization kept on changing. It was also called Equality League, and Depressed Classes Institute for sometime.
1926. He founded the Samata Sainik Dal (Social Equality Army).
1927 He was nominated as member of the Bombay Legislative Council.
19-20 March 1927 He launched at Mahad the first War of Independence of the down-trodden with a view to getting for them the right of drinking water from the Chowdar Tank.
August 1928 He founded the Depressed Classes Education Society.

23 October 1928 He gave evidence before the Simon Commission.
23 October 1929. While on a tour ofEast Khandesh he was injured when the horse of the tonga bolted.
2 March 1930 He started Satyagraha at Nasik with a view to getting the right for entry into the Kalaram Mandir. 190
4 October 1930 He sailed for London to participate in the First Round Table Conference. He returned from London on 27.2.1931

15 August 1931. He sailed again for London to participate in the Second Round Table Conference.
26 January 1932: He came back to Bombay. His efforts at the Round Table Conference were fruitful as the down-trodden got political rights through the communal Award.
January 30 1932: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar returned to India..from #2nd_round_table_conference news published in #The_Bomban_chronicle Newspaper.
24 September 1932. He signed the Poona Pact and saved the life of Gandhiji who had undertaken a fast unto death on the issue of the political rights of the downtrodden which Dr.Ambedkar had secured for them for the first time.
7 November 1932. He went to London to participate in the Third Round Table Conference.
04 February 1933: Dr. Babashaheb Ambedkar met #Gandhi in #Yervada Jail.
30 April 1933. He went to London to attend the session of the Joint Committee.
27 May 1935. His wife Ramabai dead.
1 June 1935 He was appointed as Principle ofthe Government Law College, Bombay.
13 October 1935. In a Conference at Yeola he declared that though he was born a Hindu but he would not die as a Hindu.
May 1936. He published his treatise ‘Annihilation of Caste’. It was proposed to be his presidential address to the Annual Conference of the Jat Pat Todak Mandal, Lahore but the Conference was cancelled as the organizers did not like certain portions in the address. 191
August 1936 He founded the Independent Labour Party.
Dr. Ambedkar with prominent social workers of the Independent_Labour_Party at Bombay in 1936.
January 1937 He resigned from the Government Law College, Bombay.
February 1937 He was elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly. His party (I.L.P.) won 15 seats out of 17 it contested.
8 January 1939: Annual meet of the Samata Sainik Dal attended by 20,000 sainiks, organised by the Independent Labour Party at Kamgar Maidan, Bombay.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, leader of the #Independent_Labour_Party, addressing at the annual meeting of the Bombay Municipal Kamgar Sangh in Sir Cowasjee Jehangir hall in #Bombay in 1941.
2 July 1942. He was appointed as Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council.
19 July 1942. He founded the Scheduled Castes Federation.
18 January 1943: Dr.Ambedkar felicitated by the Pune district local board.
1943 He secured reservation in the services for the Scheduled Castes.
30 September 1944: Dr. Ambedkar’s visit to #Gudivada town, A.P. as Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council. He visited S.C boys hostel. Dr.Ambedkar with local Adi_Andhra_movement leaders & labour department officers.
18 January, 1945: Dr.Ambedkar felicitated by the Ambedkar school of politics at Ahilyashram,Pune.

July 1945: He established the People’s Education Society, Bombay.

3rd Febuary 1946: Dr.Ambedkar address Delhi Provincial Scheduled Castes Federation at Delhi. ( Indian Express)
3 February 1946: Dr.Ambedkar attending Cripps plan review meeting at Delhi.
15 April 1946. He represented the case of the down-trodden before the Cabinet Mission.
20 June 1946. He established Siddharth College, Bombay.
July 1946. He was elected to the Constituent Assembly of India.
22nd July 1947
The constituent Assembly adopted the Tri-colour flag with the #Ashoka_Chakra on it as the #National_Flag.
15 August 1947 He became the First Law Minister of Independent India.
29 August 1947 He was elected as Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee.
October 1948. He published his book, “The Untouchables” in which he propounded the theory that the Untouchables were Buddhists.
30 January 1948: Dr_Ambedkar talking to Congress leader Shankerdeo at Birla House in Delhi, when He understood that Gandhi was killed in here.

26 November 1949 The Constitution of India drafted by him was approved by the Constituent Assembly. 192
26 Novermber 1949: Dr Ambedkar handing over the final draft of the constitution to President Rajendra Prasad
1 January 1950:- Mumbai Province #scheduled_castes_Federation presenting a copy of the constitution in a #silver_casket to Dr.Ambedkar on the historical achievement of drafting the constitution of India.
12_January_1950:- Dr.Ambedkar at third annual_function of Siddharth college Mumbai. Raja Maharaj Singh, governor of Mumbai was guest of honour.
18 January, 1950: Dr.Ambedkar in Rashtrapati Bhavan garden.
2nd May 1950
Dr.Ambedkar addressing on the occasion of #Buddha_Jayanti at #New_Delhi. The chairman of the function was then Ambassador of Burma, Muang Gai.

May 1950 He participated in the First World Fellowship of Buddhists Conference held in Sri Lanka. September 1951 He established Milinda Maha Vidyalaya, Aurangabad.
16 April 1951
The foundation stone of Ambedkar Bhawan Delhi was laid down by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar .
27 September 1951 He resigned from the Nehru Cabinet.

March 1952 He was elected as a Member of the Rajya Sabha.

22 December 1952: Dr.Ambedkar inaugurated the new section of the #Pune district Law library.
Mr. SWAMINATHAN, MLA of KGF during 1953 (scheduled caste federation) with BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR
31st January 1954:- Dr.Ambedkar inaugurated the film ‘#Mahatma_Phooley’ produced & directed by Acharya Atre at Famous_Pictures_Theatre, Bombay.

1955 He founded the Bhartiya Baudh Mahasabha (Buddhist Society ofIndia.)
1955 He founded the Marathi Weekly Prabuddh Bharat.
04 February 1956: “Janata” was renamed as “Prabuddha Bharat”

14 October 1956 He embraced Buddhism at Nagpur at the hands of Venerable U Chandramam Mahathera of Kushinagar.
15-21 Nov 1956 He participated in the Fourth World Fellowship ofBuddhists Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal.

30 November 1956 He founded Republican Party ofIndia.

6 December 1956 He passed away in sleep at his residence, 26 Alipur Road, Delhi.
He was cremated in Bombay (Shivaji Park, Dadar) on 7 December 1956.
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