#102 years of #MOOK_NAYAK
Which was the #first_magazine was started by Dr Babashaheb Ambedkar.
History of Muknayak:-
1st incident:-
In #January_1919, Babasaheb sent a letter to #The_Times_of_India, under the pseudonym ‘#Ek_Mahar’ the newspaper #did_not_publish his letter.
2nd Incident:-
#Dr_Babashaheb sent #BG_Tilak’s #Kesari a note for an advertisement along with a #Rs_3 publishing fee. Tilak #neglected to publish the note, and returned the fee.
Dr Babasaheb realized that the #Brahmanical_media would never consider the problems of #untouchables as important, and of national significance.
Then ,Babasaheb decided that he would start his #own_newspaper — a weekly, devoted to the issues and challenges of untouchables. He named it #Mooknayak (leader of the dumb) in #31st_January_1920.