Fatima Sheikh: India’s First Muslim Woman Educator

India’s First Muslim Woman Educator, who took to teaching Dalit children at the school run by Savitribai and Jyotiba Phule. She helped Savitribai set up their first girls’ school called “Indigenous Library”, in her own house, thus challening the upper caste Hindus as well as the orthodox Muslims. Fatima Sheikh offered refuge to Savitribai and

Fatima Sheikh: India’s First Muslim Woman Educator Read More »

National Overseas Scholarship for SC Candidates

The Central Sector Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship is to facilitate the low income students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Denotified Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes, Landless Agricultural Labourers and Traditional Artisans category to obtain higher education viz., Master degree or Ph.D courses by studying abroad thereby improving their Economic and Social status. for details please

National Overseas Scholarship for SC Candidates Read More »

Manusmruti Dahan- A milestone in the history of Indian feminist and Revolutionary movement.

*Manusmruti Dahan- A milestone in the history of Indian feminist and Revolutionary movement.* Indian Stree Mukti Diwas/ Day for Women’s Dignity is commemorated of burning the Manusmruti by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on 25th December 1927 at Mahad. Manusmruti a book which epitomized and legitimised the subhuman existence of the socially and culturally downtrodden in the

Manusmruti Dahan- A milestone in the history of Indian feminist and Revolutionary movement. Read More »

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