- dana parami: Forsaking ones goods and possessions (animals or non living objects) by making gifts.
- sila parami: Control of ones actions and speeches in order to refrain from evil actions.
- nekkhamma parami: Renouncement of the life of the laity to the sake of a solitary life (bhikkhu, ermite).
- panna parami: Development of knowledge and understanding through study and analytical reflection. Imparting knowledge to others. Making use of ones wisdom so as to take the highest benefits from it.
- viriya parami: Effort to do good to others as much as possible and to the peril ones life.
- khanti parami: Establishment of an always perfect tolerance, whatever, on others behalf, performed actions and uttered speeches might be.
- sacca parami: Truthfulness (to tell only what is fair).
- adhitthana parami: Decision to solely perform beneficial actions and to stick to them.
- metta parami: Cultivation of a state of mind turned towards others happiness, to practice love towards all beings.
- upekkha parami: Rejection of hatred and adoration. Not to stick to an idea in particular. Keeping ones mind even minded.