Founded by visionary Late Pasdmashri Dadasaheb Gaikwad in 1964, Dr.Ambedkar College, Nagpur (DACN), affiliated to Nagpur University is indeed a time tested Centre for higher learning. DACN is located int the centre of Orange City at the Holy Deeksha Bhoomi, Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar,the architect of the Indian Constitution, embreanced Buddhism. DACN functions under the aegis of Pram Poojya Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Smarak Samiti. H.E. Hon’ble Shri R.S. Gavai, Governor of Kerala and the President of the College Management and the Secretary Shri. S. J. Fulzele are the pillars of our institution.Under the direction of Dr. R. Krishnakumer,Director of the College and Special Secretary to the Governor of Kerala, we are a dedicated group of individuals always working hard to impart Quality Education to one and all.
DACN Originally began with a vision of becoming a seat of excellence in education and took the first modest step in this direction in 1964 with the introduction of Artsand Commercefaculties.Change of time,increasing inquisitive minds around the vicinity and explosion in scientific awareness encouraged us to introduce Science faculty in 1969. Those aspiring to wear the fabled Black coat to fight for justice, were provided the right opportunity when DACN started the Law faculty in 1982.
To keep pace with time DACN also provided Management Education from 1984 till till 1996 when a separate MAnagement Institute was established.

The members of the DACN family, comprsing of the MAnagement, Teachers, students, parents and the Alumni, through their determined efforts catapulted the college to the top. No wonder, we are the Only College in Vidarbha to be accredited at A+ level by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Banglore, on 3rd May 2004.