Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society (ADDBS)

#Buddhism_in_KGF :-
Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society (ADDBS) was founded and established at Gowtham Nagar 11 Divn (opposite to KSRTC bus depot), Robertsonpet, Kolar Gold Fields -563122, by late Ven. Agama Pandit Ariyavansa Maha Nayaka Thero of Mathre #Srilanka in the year 1952,
A great scholar, philosopher, and follower of the highly disciplined order of Sangha with compassion, after his frequent visit to the Buddhist centres like South India Buddhist Association with Buddhist schools at Marikuppam and Champion #KGF which were established in the year 1907 and 1911 respectively by late. Shri_Ayothi_Dass_Pandit. This centre became the #gateway_for_Buddhism in Karnataka.
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