Buddhist Society of India Akola

Buddhist Society of India Akola

The Buddhist society of India (TBSI) was established by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the year of 4th may 1955

It is registered in the office of the Registrar of companies, Mumbai.

On May 8th 1955 at the function held at Nare Park, Bombay, Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar made a formal declarationn of the establishment of this society for spread of Buddhism in India and all over the world.

This organization spread all over in Maharashtra and in each and every districts and Talukas the branches get formed.

This is Buddhist society of India, Akola

Contact Details Buddhist Society of India Akola

1. डॉ. अरुण चक्रनारायण
मो. 9421667223
2. देविलाल तायडे
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