Ambedkar Periyar Study Circle – Sweden

Ambedkar Periyar Study Circle – Sweden

why Ambedkar and Periyar are given equal importance in
the student group name? It is because Ambedkar and Periyar voiced for
one thing, that is “Every man and woman should have self-respect and
treated equally”.
1. On Indian independance, it was said all officials worked under British will hold their position and there won’t be any reform. Thus officials who supported British and killed patriatic indians hold their positions after independence. Periyar said it is not a true indepedence.
2. Periyar asked for a seperate country, you know why? Now Tamilnadu is begging/fighting for water from all 3 surrounding states, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra. Cauvery water issue is still unresolved, even Supreme court and Central government could do Nothing. If Tamilnadu was a country, would these states would do the same? There would have been treaties/agreements to solve water issues between countries.
3. A man can sleep with many woman and seen manly and when a woman do the same, she is seen as a whore?
4. Periyar said woman should have equal rights in family property, voting rights and financially independant. He said woman to wear shirt/pant and cut their hair like men for easy maintenance and comfortability. What is wrong with these?
5. Periyar never bothered about public image. He would have been invited and went.
6. I am not a supporter of Periyar’s second marriage. Yet he married Maniammai with her consent who was legally adult (26). Like I said Periyar never bothered about public image.
7. Periyar criticized Hindu, Muslim and Christian religion for their discremination of people. Periyar said any Brahmins can join his self-respect movement, if they think love of humanity comes prior to vedas.
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