Top 10 Buddha Quotes in Mandarin Chinese

  1. “不论过去、现在或未来,只有一个时刻可以控制,那就是现在。” (No matter the past, present, or future, there’s only one moment you can control, and that’s the present.)
  2. “自己是自己的庇护,自己是自己的救星。” (You are your own refuge; you are your own savior.)
  3. “苦是人生的真相,苦的根源是欲望。” (Suffering is the truth of life; the root of suffering is desire.)
  4. “不要因别人的错误而生气,也不要因自己的过失而愧疚。” (Do not be angered by the mistakes of others, nor feel guilty for your own.)
  5. “真正的胜利是克服自己。” (True victory is overcoming oneself.)
  6. “心无挂碍,无所畏惧。” (A mind without attachment is free from fear.)
  7. “心安则身安,心乱则身乱。” (When the mind is at ease, the body is at ease; when the mind is disturbed, the body is disturbed.)
  8. “莫用怨恨来对抗怨恨,用善意来对抗怨恨。” (Do not counter hatred with hatred; counter it with goodwill.)
  9. “世间万物都是短暂的,因此不应过于执着。” (All things in the world are temporary; therefore, do not be too attached.)
  10. “自己是自己心灵的主人,可以控制自己的思想。” (You are the master of your own mind; you can control your thoughts.)
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